“I remember the first day I saw a Steinway piano. It was in a neighboring high school that was doing a production of "Into the Woods" - in the rehearsal room backstage stood this piano of mythical size, wearing a piano cover (the first I had ever seen). I said to a friend of mine, "What's that?" "Oh. That's the Steinway...." to which I replied, "What's a Steinway?" You'd think I was asking about gravity, or one of the four elements with the shock I expressed. Then I played it and worlds opened up that I hadn't heard before. Since then and all throughout my career, I have always associated the name of Steinway with quality, precision, excellence, and tradition; and meaningful, lasting music. Years later, to now be able to partner with Steinway as an artist that believes in and loves what their pianos represent (as a family business and as the representation of something made by a community of human hands) is such an amazing honor. For me, music is meant to be made with a community of people. How fitting that my piano was made the same way.”

Matthew Maher






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