A multi-award winning magazine, Listen celebrates excellence in music and culture, and the people and places that contribute to its creation. Listen champions a life filled with genuine cultural appreciation and activity, and showcases musicians of the highest quality and listeners of great refinement, advocating for works of tremendous artistic value — irrespective of musical genre. Read features from Listen below.
Deems Taylor Award Winner for Outstanding Music Journalism
“I read Listen for information, illumination, connection.”

Editor in Chief / Publisher Ben Finane
Art Director Jackie Fugere
Associate Art Director Kristen Male
Design Consultants Point Five, NY
Editorial Consultant Menon Dwarka
Advertising Ben Finane
Email bfinane@steinway.com
European & RoW Advertising Sales Hall Baker (UK) Ltd.
Email listen@steinway.com
Listen: Life with Music & Culture
1133 Avenue of the Americas, 33rd Floor
New York, NY 10036-6710