Steinway & Sons Unveils Spiriocast in Europe

revolutionary high resolution live remote piano broadcasting across the globe.


Steinway Artist Lang Lang performed in the Hamburg launch of Spiriocast October 20, playing live in the Steinway Hamburg Spirio Studio and Spiriocasting to the Elbphilharmonie. The Spiriocast — live broadcast from one Steinway Spirior, the world’s finest high resolution player piano, to another — dazzled the unsuspecting audience, and featured arrangements from Lang Lang’s latest album The Disney Book on Deutsche Grammophon. 

The Steinway-patented proprietary sensor system in SPIRIO | r captures the movements of the piano’s hammers and pedaling, and SPIRIOCAST transfers the high resolution data to recreate an identical, perfectly in-sync, unfiltered audio, video and acoustical experience on any number of connected SPIRIOS receiving the ’cast. As a SPIRIOCAST host, you may easily invite listeners to a broadcast from the SPIRIO app on your iPad. Once you go live, video and audio from your iPad will be transmitted to the listener’s iPad — or any connected device, such as an external monitor. When you play, the listening SPIRIOS perform along in real time.


Following intermission, Lang Lang appeared live at the Elbphilharmonie to perform selections from Bach’s Goldberg Variations. He was then joined by his wife, Steinway ArtIST Gina Alice for a riveting four-hand Hungarian Dance No. 5 by Brahms.

“This will open up a new way to do live performance.”

—Steinway Artist Lang Lang


Jasmine Flower

Elbphilharmonie Hamburg
October 2022

As an encore, Lang Lang performed the traditional song “Jasmine Flower” (arr. Schindler). 

© Franziska Krug/Getty Images for Steinway & Sons

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